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Here We Go Again (Part 2 of 3)

2003-05-16, 3:55 a.m.

As I promised in my previous post on apocalyptical groups and the current fervor by some over "Planet X", I will provide some background to the Planet X hypothesis and I will provide the following "evidence" IN FAVOR OF the hypothesis that there is a "Planet X" and that it may be heading in this direction.

First off, what is "Planet X"? For those of you who are new to this concept, Planet X (also known as Nemesis in scientific circles, the 12th Planet, and Nibiru) is a hypothesized member of our solar system which has yet to be "discovered" by modern Science. There have been several ideas over the years as to what this object might be. Guesses from a small Earth-sized planet, to a Jupiter sized planet, to a Red/Brown Dwarf Star, to even a small black hole. The current "Planet X" fervor is that a large planet orbits the Sun in a very large elliptical orbit (which means that instead of orbiting in a circle, it orbits in an egg shape, where it comes very close to the Sun and moves very fast at one point of its orbit and is very very far away from the Sun and moves very slow at the far point of its orbit. Those associated with the ZetaTalk folks believe that this planet will be entering into the inner Solar System and will pass a mere 15 million miles from the Earth (1/6th the distance from the Earth to the Sun). The gravitational and electromagnetic interactions between the planets, they claim, will cause the Earth to flop on its side and change its axis of rotation which will displace continents and cause utter destruction.

The Scientific Evidence:
1. Even before the discovery of Pluto in 1930 (I think) those who studied Neptune and Uranus noticed a wobble in their orbits. This wobble was significant enough to imply a fairly massive body further out. However Pluto and its moon Charon are very tiny bodies, amounting to no more mass than mooons. Indeed, even with the discovery of Pluto, the expectation was that a gas giant (like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) would be out there, not these tiny rocky bodies. Current speculation is that Pluto and Charon are actually escaped moons of Neptune. So what is causing these wobbles? The inner planets are accounted for. There must be *something* further out causing these tell-tale signs. Reference

2. After studying the records of mass extinctions throughout geologic history a hypothesis, which has gained quite a bit of support has been that a heavy astronomical body periodically enters the Oort Cloud (the Oort cloud is a postulated cloud of decent sized icy bodies (potential comets) which exists beyond Pluto) and scatters many of these icy bodies, which fall into the inner solar system and become comets (and with enough of them getting close, one is likely to hit the Earth and cause the death of most species). Looking at the fossil record, some scientists have postulated a 26 million year period (orbit) for this body. However, in my perspective, not every crossing would cause comets to come near and strike the Earth, so I would imagine the period would be much shorter. Reference

Cultural Evidence:
1. There are so many cultural references to astronomical events, that I chose to only talk about one that directly ties into this topic: the Sumerians. The Sumerians where the pre-flood civilization (some would say the FIRST civilization) which grew up out of nowhere in present day Iraq. Archaologists uncovered tons of cuneoform tablets of Sumerian records and have slowly decoded them over the decades. Perhaps the best known Sumerian expert is Zecharia Sitchin, who is universally hailed for his decoding of the Sumerian language (if not for his interpretation of said records). To be brief, the Sumerians, according to Sitchin, were genetically altered by the Annunaki, visitors from a 12th planet in the solar system called Nibiru, into the "modern human". They learned much of the culture and "science" of the Annunaki, including astronomy. There is evidence that the Sumerians knew about Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (all (re)discovered 4500 years later). Reference

Esoteric Evidence:
1. Ok, this damn thing is already too long. So I will make this section as short and concise as I can. First, there is no way to test things in this category without just waiting and seeing if things happen. The accuracy of one prediction does not tell us anything about the accuracy of another type of prediction. And predictions, depending on your belief in fate or in chance (or a mix of the two), may change at any moment. In lieu of bringing forth "arguments" about the plethora of asteroid strike movies, scientific plans for dealing with asteroid strikes, massive funds for asteroid hunting, and any silly arguments on current readiness of Homeland Security (BAD GIRL NANCY), and all this circumstancial "evidence" which proves nothing (because asteroids ARE a risk as is terrorism), I want to focus on the prophecies. The Zetas have an impressive record on some specific items and a lot of general items. There are many prophecies which come true every day. I have myself witnessed small time prophecies and "deja vu" and "dreams" which have ended up coming true. And so in regard to the Prophecy by the Zetas of Planet X visiting us over the next month, one should at least look at what is said and get one's own gut feeling over this prediction. Reference

Personal Experience:
What I am going to relate to you is a dream I had, at least 3 months ago. I normally dont remember my dreams unless they are Deja Vu or extremely striking as you will understand with this one. My family and I were outside playing in the yard when I noticed behind a white barn what first looked like a small version of the moon appear in the sky. It grew larger and larger and I ran around the barn to get a good look. I remember seeing it rotating on its axis and it got very very close. I could just look on in awe as the spinning moon or planet dove down under the horizon, missing striking the Earth. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and felt the sky over me turn and twist in a wierd way. We all immediately ran to the car. I remember that we followed our uncle onto the interstate, but as we got close to the city, it was so jammed, that my brother in law cut through fields. The wind really picked up and trees were really blowing and it was hard for him to keep the Explorer under control. The radio was full of lots of paniced talk and many stations just werent there. As we tried to get back to the house, going thru fields, I woke up. *shudder* I dont know if I want to comment on how accurate most of the aspects in my dream would be in that situation.

In the next piece, I will put forth the evidence/arguments against Planet X so that you may decide. If anyone is seriously interested in any of these subjects or wants to see if I'm just full of shit, I'd gladly chat with you about it or discuss via email.


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(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue