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Learning Language Rules

2003-09-06, 11:30 p.m.

I am constantly suprised by my nephew, who at 4 years of age, refreshes my life with amazing insights and skills. I will greatly miss his daily presence in my life in the next couple of weeks.

What suprised me today was his use of language, specifically the word "guarder". He had built a small castle out of legos, you see, and he took a plastic figure and placed it in front. This figure was to be the guarder.

Of course, correcting him immediately came to mind and that the figure would be the guard. But I stopped and thought about where "guarder" came from.

Obviously, no one in the family used that word. Therefore, he built the word from the English Language Rules that he has learned, all from listening. So he invoked the "add -er to a verb to indicate a person performing that verb" rule. A person who swims is a swimmer. A person who runs is a runner. So a person who guards must be a guarder.

Perfect logic. He just doesnt have enough experience to learn all of the exceptions in this very complicated language. In fact, maybe the excepts are errors that have just crept in over time. I am no linguist. Just an admirer of those who can effectively communicate.

Just when you think kids dont listen!


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(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue