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Sometimes You DO Need To Hit Rock Bottom

2003-04-12, 5:39 p.m.

I finally chatted with my buddy last night after trying to get a hold of him for months and months. He really went underground. I had this premonition that he had gotten in trouble. Turns out I hit the nail on the head... he had gotten busted with some illicit mind altering flora.

He had hit rock bottom. He was facing some possible nasty clank-clank time and of course losing his teaching position and who knows what else. So, definitely rock bottom.

And yet, after hitting that low, low point and not wanting to talk to even his closest friends... things turned around. He struck a deal that will expunge the event. He has stopped smoking altogether. And he has a girlfriend, which has been a sore point for him for years and years.

It just goes to show you that when all the chips are down, you just have to hang in there because you never know what's around the next corner...

That made my whole week.


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Original Content Copyright
(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue