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Pervasive Penises

2003-04-13, 3:27 a.m.

Ever notice that so many things associated with government and war look like DICKS? I'm serious! Look at the Washington Monument... one huge uncircumscized COCK pointing erectly into the air. Tomahawk Cruise Missiles... big DILDOS, ribbed for their pleasure, of course.

Bullets, tank turrets, guns, swords, maces, spears, jeweled sceptres of kings, the top of the White House, submarines... they're everywhere. We've gone from monkeys tossing turds to assholes lobbing linghams.

I am not naieve enough to believe that the military industrial complex is ready for a female commander in chief. Strap-ons are just not the same, or so I hear.

Fight the Power!


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(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue