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2003-04-27, 3:20 a.m.

I'm an absolute failure, for I cannot meditate. You see, when I sit down and get all comfy and relaxed and get my body to relax, I cannot get all of my mind to stop. If I tell it to be quiet, part of it looks at the other part being quiet and wonders if its really a different part or not. And then that gets me to thinking about thinking. Can consciousness observe itself objectively? And what, exactly, is the coupling mechanism between consciousness and quantum probability waves? Seriously.

I seem to do my best thinking while mowing the grass with a riding lawnmower. Today, I thought about quite a few interesting questions. For example:
- Do left-handed people from some other countries wipe with their right hands?
- Why, when you get cold, do goosebumps and nipples stick out from the skin (away from body heat)?
- Why are humans so convinced that for random processes, the past doesnt influence the future?
- Why havent toilets changed in the last 80 years?

No, I dont need to get laid.

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(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue