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Here We Go Again (Part 1 of 3)

2003-05-15, 1:02 a.m.

There has been a long history of mass suicides, mass murders, and violence by groups of people, often labelled as cults, based upon the belief that the world is going to end soon. These apocalyptic groups come out of the shadows, it seems, for every millenial transition, every new interpretation of Nostradamus, any time a person fits together Revelations, and will do so up until 2012 when the Mayan Calendar ends.

Within the last decade, we have witnessed the following groups:

Jun 1994 -- Aum Shinrikyo (mass murder)
Oct 1994 -- Order of the Solar Temple (mass suicide)
Apr 1995 -- Aum Shinrikyo (mass murder)
Dec 1995 -- Order of the Solar Temple (mass suicide)
Mar 1997 -- Order of the Solar Temple (mass suicide)
Mar 1997 -- Heaven's Gate (mass suicide)
Dec 1999 -- Concerned Christians (violence? -- stopped)

And now we have the newest apocalyptic group:

Jun 01, 2003 -- Planet X'ers

The Planet X'ers believe that there is a "12th Planet" in our solar system which orbits our sun in a very eliptical orbit (meaning that most of the time in its orbit is spent far away from the sun). Some Planet X'ers believe that this "planet" is a small sun called a Brown Dwarf or Red Dwarf, and others believe it is a planet ala Zacharia Sitchin. Sitchin is a famous interpreter of Sumarian documents and postulated some interesting hypotheses about pre-diluvial times. Sitchin's 12th planet orbits the sun every 3600 years. Much of the fuss at this time seems to be centered around a channeler of beings from Zeta Reticulii and her web site ZetaTalk.

I'm distressed at the prospect of having believers commit violence, mass murder, or even mass suicide over something that may or may not happen. The most distressing part is the needless loss of life without looking into the issues and forming your own opinion. Every group or person has the right to present facts, but they should be responsible enough to present facts that are correct to the best of their abilities. Willful misrepresentation with the intent of leading others to conclusions, especially conclusions which may be harmful to them, is simply criminal.

In part two of Here We Go Again, I will look at some facts, figures, and speculation and I will form arguments in favor of the possible arrival of Planet X in the next few weeks. In part three, I will present some facts, figures, and speculation in opposition to the immanent arrival of Planet X.

I probably wont make any difference in the long run. But maybe it will be entertaining or instructive to a few. I just hope that we dont read of ANY events relating to Planet X in our news websites.


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Original Content Copyright
(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue