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I'm Inside Now

2003-05-23, 3:36 a.m.

Wednesday, with the arrival of some mail, the gates to Chapel Perilous opened. I had been waiting outside, knowing that they were going to open soon. I knew that I was going to take my first step into the Abyss. I wasn't ready for it when it happened.

Isn't it funny that Daath is associated with your throad, because this whole thing has me choked up. I've been quaking in my boots for 36 hours now, with not much to distract me from the fact that those doors are wide open and all I need to do is step in.

So after a day and a half of being scared so much that I could taste it, I am taking my first steps tonight. I am stepping inside as we speak.

Its dark. Its refreshingly cool, at least for now. I am ready for it to change with each step. The fear that I had before taking my first step is now held front of me, clenched tightly in an iron fist. If I can conquer what is in my hand ALL the way through chasm of darkness, then I can make it through.

Fear is failure.

Will I dream?


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Original Content Copyright
(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue