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I Suck

2003-06-04, 10:59 p.m.

I cant write.

Sure, I have a decent command of English grammar.

I have an okay vocabulary.

But I cant write.

My thoughts, which are conveyed directly to my fingers and into the keyboard, are often so convoluted that the ensuing sentence is a horrid display of run-on phrases and half-formed thoughts.

Like that one.

So I write posts that are either misinterpreted by those for whom it was NOT intended (SORRY!!) or its an unintelligable gibberish of attempted metaphor and symbolism.

How many incredible ideas, philosophies, musical pieces, stories, and concepts never make it into the Akashic Records because the idea cannot get expressed?

Oh well, I've never been one to try to go for mass readership. Hopefully I cant at least entertain a little once in a while.


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(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue