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Notes to My Friends

2003-06-29, 2:33 a.m.

a: let those who have eyes see; those without are not worth showing

b: scammers with their warped morals and ethics DO NOT reflect on the quality of your work or your person

b: if the glass is half-empty, fill it; if half-full, drink it up then refill it

c: and through all the pre-emptive being, you have always been you, and that's good and very special

j: there's a knock at the door, will you answer? will you open the door? its not closed forever; dont give up the ghost

r: isn't obsessing about wanting an obsession a valid obsession?

s: dont worry about "shoulds" and "ages" just be and those in the same state will find you; maybe they already have


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Original Content Copyright
(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue