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The Mouse Fork

2003-07-27, 12:33 a.m.

Today we were helping Grandma go through some of her momentos and curios which she wanted to be sure to leave to certain family members. Its a difficult process to go through, however, she is enjoying it. And its great to hear the stories of the items.

An example of this is the Mouse Fork.

In the mid-1940s, Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, and my Uncle Corky were living in a little apartment. One night during dinner preparation a mouse ran across the cabinet. My Grandpa grabbed a fork and *BLAM* stabbed the thing. The fork happened to belong to the nice set of silverware that was passed down through the family, so you couldnt throw it away.

Well, after that day, it caused all sorts of trouble as the boys (Dad and Uncle Corky) tried to craftily make sure that the other had the Mouse Fork set at his place at the table.

"Mother!!! Corky put the Mouse Fork by my plate!!!"

Today, Dad found the Mouse Fork. My Uncle is going to get it mounted on a nice plaque. I imagine it will stay in the family for a long time to come.


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(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue