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Another Gem

2003-07-28, 11:02 p.m.

While riding back from Grandma's with my Sis and my four year old Nephew:

Nephew: Mama, I hope we get a baby.

Mama: I hope so too, honey.

Me: What would you like, a brother or a sister?

Nephew: A brother!

Me: Why is that?

Nephew: [My sister] wants a girl.

Mama and Me: *giggle*

Nephew: *thinks*

Nephew: I know! Mama, can we have two? One for me and one for [my sister]!

Nephew: She could take care of the girl and I would take care of the boy!

Later, at the dinner table the above tale is retold to Daddy.

Nephew: Daddy, I want to be a babysitter!

Daddy: Will you be able to take care of it?

Nephew: Yes! I can do that.

Daddy: What about changing the baby? You know babies go to their bathroom in their pants and you would have to change them.

Nephew: *thinks* Could we get diapers?

Daddy: Yes, but you'd still have to change those.

Mama: And how will you feed the baby? What if I nurse it?

Nephew: What's nursing?

Mama: The baby gets milk from my breast.

Nephew: *looks skeptically at Mama's chest*

Nephew: How does milk get in there?

Mama: Its made inside me.

Nephew: *considers*

Daddy: Oh, you'd have to wipe its bottom too.

Nephew: Oh, I couldnt do that. I'd let Mama do that.


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Original Content Copyright
(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue