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Get Down with the Sickness

2003-08-29, 1:25 a.m.

...the Sickness of Corporate Music. I'm soooo tired of sub-par talent with a visual gimmick or a corporate-endorsed formula. Seven corporations own, I believe, over 90% of the radio stations across the country. And those corporations have very strong links to RIAA and the Record Labels.

So its gimmick or corporate formula.

Gosh. What a choice. Thank goodness there is still a lot of international goodness out there, no matter what your taste. Innovative sound, innovative lyrics, innovative energy.

For example, Hollenthon.

Hey, RIAA, want people to stop downloading music for free? Then how about putting a product out there that is actually worth the $15 per CD that you gouge us with. You wont admit or maybe you dont even know... but downloading is a BOYCOTT of your prices, your policies, and your practices.


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Original Content Copyright
(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue