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2003-08-29, 10:51 p.m.

I always knew that I was S C A R Y, but I'm starting to figure out that its not why I thought. Its not because I'm unattractive or larger than a bean pole.

No, its because I'm nice and I'm safe and I'm serious and I truly care.

You see, women say that they want X, but in reality, they are either not ready for X or they dont really want X down deep... they want Y and Z. Some even try to sabatoge a friendship to try to escape from the fact that they are falling for X (me).

It's the strangest thing.

I can explain some of the most detailed hypotheses in Quantum Mechanics, but I'll NEVER be able to understand, much less explain women.


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Original Content Copyright
(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue