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2003-09-12, 10:13 p.m.

Grandma is a battler. Several weeks ago she was given a couple of days due to her potassium levels and urea levels (which indicated organ failure), but she is a battler indeed. Over the past week, she has had a couple of mini-strokes and with the last one on Wednesday nite, it looked like she wasnt going to come out of it. But here she is this afternoon sitting up in her chair. I am thankful for whatever time is granted, but I'm also thankful that with the aid of hospice, she's not in pain.

Over the past few weeks, Grandma has been penning her memories and my stepmom Janet has been working it into a book. Although a little different from her Romance Novels, this will be a very interesting work, all based upon real people and real memories. I cannot wait to read it all. I think that too often people are so engrossed in today's world that they have forgotten where we came from and the struggles that people went thru and just shrugged off as part of living.


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(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue