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High Speed Dirt!

2003-09-17, 12:34 a.m.

We only have ourselves to blame for our situations. We are the ones in control of ourselves. We make the choices and the decisions. How many times have you thought back and wished you'd made a different choice? More specifically, how many times have you thought back and wished you'd taken a chance? Yes, a chance. You're faced with a bleak or at least undesireable situation and there is a chance you will have a much better situation if you take that leap to a new situation.

Yes, its scary. Yes, its unknown.

Why is it that the "unknown" is worse than the "known bad"? Why is it so easy for you to sit in a situation that you hate, in a place that has lost its lustre, with aspects of yourself that you have said over and over that you want to change? How long has it been that you've repeated your desire for change? Why havent you? There are no guarantees that things will work out. There are no guarantees that things will be better or no guarantees that things will be worse. But they will be different.

So, jump!

Tomorrow morning, I'm taking my own advice. I'm jumping. I'm jumping with no safety net. I believe in myself and I feel positive about the larger direction in my life. There will be no regrets as I drive across the fields of Kansas.

I'm jumping. Here's my parachute, I dont need it.


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Original Content Copyright
(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue