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2003-12-13, 10:37 p.m.

Its interesting to look back even a few months at how plans can go awry and the unexpected can pop into your life.

When I first made the jump out here to CO without a safety net, I assumed it would only take me a month to find a good position and that I could use my remaining saved funds to jumpstart my new life by getting a little house to rent and some amenities. Then I could seriously pursue meeting interesting women and see if any sparks could be discovered.

Now I have found that the job market here is ass. Not just ass. Hemorrhoided, pimpled, unwiped ass. Its several months later and still nothing :-( And the money is slowly draining away. Now normally, I would be totally dispondant about this, but the other part of my expectations are also totally reversed. I never would have expected in my wildest dreams to have fallen in love so soon and with such a wonderful woman.

My whole life right now reminds me of a great Babylon 5 quote:

"Zathras used to being beast of burden. Zathras have sad life, probably have sad death, but at least there is symmetry." -- Zathras

Somethings go incredibly well and some things go horribly, its just the way it is with life... I feel balanced upon a symmetrical blade at the moment... I just pray that success in one side does not tip the other side... I can use some asymmetrical goodness in my life!


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(c) 2003 by Simon la Grue